Ethanol Conversion: A Complete Guide to Switching to Alternative Fuel

- min read

Complete Ethanol Conversion Guide AUTODIAG-France

Conversion to ethanol by engine reprogramming:



  • Engine reprogramming allows you to convert a gasoline vehicle into a flexfuel vehicle, capable of running on gasoline or ethanol.
  • This solution offers great flexibility to drivers, who can choose the fuel best suited to their needs and budget.
  • Flexfuel reprogramming is generally more expensive than installing a conversion box, but it offers better performance and greater compatibility with modern vehicles.


Conversion to ethanol only:

  • Engine reprogramming can also be used to convert a gasoline vehicle to one that runs solely on ethanol.
  • This option is less expensive than flexfuel conversion, but it does not allow you to run on gasoline.
  • Converting to ethanol only is an attractive solution for drivers who are committed to using ethanol as their primary fuel.


Installing a conversion box:

  • A conversion box is an electronic device that allows you to adapt the engine of a gasoline vehicle to run on ethanol.
  • The box is generally installed between the engine computer and the injectors.
  • It has an ethanol sensor that can detect the fuel composition and adjust the engine parameters accordingly.
  • Installing a conversion box is an affordable and simple solution to converting a vehicle to ethanol.
  • However, this solution may slightly affect vehicle performance and is not compatible with all models.


Choose the conversion solution suited to your needs:

  • The choice of conversion solution depends on several factors:
    • The budget
    • The type of vehicle
    • Driver needs
  • It is important to research and compare the different options before making a decision.
  • Professionals specialized in ethanol conversion can assist you in your choice and offer you the solution best suited to your situation.


Financial aid and incentives:

  • The French government encourages the conversion to ethanol by offering financial aid and incentives.
    • A conversion bonus
    • A reduction in fuel taxes
  • It is important to find out about the eligibility conditions for this aid and to compare the different offers before making your choice.



Conversion to ethanol is a promising solution to reduce the carbon footprint and promote a more local and resilient economy. By informing themselves and choosing the conversion solution adapted to their needs, each motorist can contribute to the ecological and economic transition.


    Remember, converting to ethanol is not a quick fix. It is important to ensure that your vehicle is compatible and follow the operating instructions to ensure safe and long-lasting driving.

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