Function to be activated via VCDS - VAG-COM software
Description of the option:
Used to fold the door mirrors automatically when the vehicle is locked.
[52 – Passenger Door] -> [Coding- 07] -> [Long Coding Wizard]
Byte 04:
Bit 6: Check "Comfort Mirror Folding active"
[42 – Driver Door] -> [Coding-07] -> [Long Coding Wizard]
Byte 04:
Bit 6: Check "Comfort Mirror Folding active"
[09 – Central Electricity] -> [Security Access – 16] 31347 -> [Adaptation – 10] -> “(23)-Access control 2-Funk Spiegelanklappen” in the drop-down list
Select “active”
[09 – Centrale Electrique] -> [Security Access – 16] 31347 -> [Adaptation – 10] -> “(26)-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Funk Spiegel anklappen” in the drop-down list
Select “active”
[09 – Central Electricity] -> [Security Access – 16] 31347 -> [Adaptation – 10] -> “(26)-Access control 2-Funk Spiegelanklappung Modus” in the drop-down list
Select "by look command via remote control key"